Human Geography
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The City: The Basics provides a brief yet compelling overview of the study of cities and city life. The book draws on a range of perspectives - economic, political, cultural, and environmental aspects are all considered – to provide a broad comparison of the evolution of cities in the rich g..
₹1,394.63 ₹1,743.28
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The City: The Basics provides a brief yet compelling overview of the study of cities and city life. The book draws on a range of perspectives - economic, political, cultural, and environmental aspects are all considered – to provide a broad comparison of the evolution of cities in the ..
₹5,654.14 ₹7,067.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
A major concern of this book is how ordinary people might come to manage their own environment more effectively. It considers how this might be facilitated by more appropriate technology, assistance and communications...
₹2,643.10 ₹3,303.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: 9780415543187
This book provides the first detailed analysis of the growing phenomenon of the international migration of skilled health workers and reveals its exceptional significance for both sending and receiving countries...
₹2,643.10 ₹3,303.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
Humanistic geography is one of the major emerging themes which has recently dominated geographic writing. This collection of essays, first published in 1980, offers insight into philosophical and practical issues concerning the human experience of environments. An extensive range of topics are discu..
₹2,349.34 ₹2,936.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The People, Place, and Space Reader includes both classic writings and contemporary research, connecting scholarship across disciplines, periods, and locations to make sense of the ways we shape and inhabit our world. Essays from the editors introduce the texts and outline key issues surrounding eac..
₹3,818.14 ₹4,772.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The People, Place, and Space Reader includes both classic writings and contemporary research, connecting scholarship across disciplines, periods, and locations to make sense of the ways we shape and inhabit our world. Essays from the editors introduce the texts and outline key issues surrounding eac..
₹9,914.40 ₹12,393.00
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The Place of Geography discusses the relationships between geography, science and society and thus with the place of geography as an academic discipline within the social context of capitalist societies...
₹3,891.58 ₹4,864.48
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The Selfish Gene is that rarest of things: an outstanding work of scholarship that has seeped into popular culture...
₹1,468.07 ₹1,835.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
This book is constructed around the work of Manuel Castells on the space of places, the space of flows and the networked city. Following an introduction by Castells in which he sets out the theoretical and empirical framework to be followed, the book features nine original contributions focusing on ..
₹2,643.10 ₹3,303.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
Continuing to provide practical advice and guidance on the use of quantitative analytical techniques, Tourism Analysis has been revised and updated to keep students fully informed on:Recent changes in measurement and definitional issues in Tourism statistics. Tourism and the environment, focusing on..
₹5,140.06 ₹6,425.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: 9780415403818
This book addresses key and contentious issues facing consumptive wildlife tourism in the twenty-first century...
₹9,180.00 ₹11,475.00