A discussion is due regarding current attitudes and trends in society on vegetarian diets and how the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and various health professional organizations consider plant-based diets. A surge of interest in the sustainability of various diets demands a close look at the envi..
Probes developments and trends in research and clinical applications of vitamin E, discussing its chemistry and biochemistry and natural occurence in nuts, seeds, whole grains and vegetable and fish-liver oils. The book covers new findings on the role of vitamin E as a biological response modifier...
Describes the biochemical and physiological effects of most of the clinically important vitamins, and presents indications of the health benefits of vitamin intake beyond the levels currently established as recommended daily allowance by the National Academy of Science. The analysis focuses primaril..
Yogurt is a fermented food that has existed for centuries with bioactive properties that have long been thought to be beneficial to health. The first commercial yogurts, sold over a hundred years ago in pharmacies, were recommended to treat digestive disorders. Yogurt: Roles in Nutrition and Impacts..
In keeping with the etiology theme, it also became apparent that the clinical aspects needed to be strictly separated from the animal aspects of zinc metabolism, a separation that has never previously been attempted...