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Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures..
₹15,055.19 ₹18,818.99
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
This state of the art report from an internationally-based task group (TG44) of CIB presents a highly authoritative guide to the application of innovative technologies on response control and seismic isolation of buildings to practice worldwide...
₹2,643.10 ₹3,303.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
The retrofitting of building structures, including maintenance, rehabilitation, and strengthening, is a significant endeavor for structural engineers in property management disciplines. This book introduces basic theory and practical methods for retrofitting the design of building structures. The te..
₹4,552.54 ₹5,690.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
The retrofitting of building structures, including maintenance, rehabilitation, and strengthening, is a significant endeavor for structural engineers in property management disciplines. This book introduces basic theory and practical methods for retrofitting the design of building structures. The te..
₹12,117.60 ₹15,146.99
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: 9780415475570
Drawn from the proceedings at the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability in Osaka, Japan, this work examines the safety and reliability of structures and systems in civil, marine, mechanical, transportation, and aerospace systems. It focuses particularly on advanced techn..
₹16,891.19 ₹21,113.99
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: 9780415397742
Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this user-friendly textbook aids students' understanding of abstract structural concepts through visualizing, identifying and appreciating their application in practice...
₹3,304.06 ₹4,130.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Nonlinear static monotonic (pushover) analysis has become a common practice for performance-based seismic bridge design. The popularity of pushover analysis is due to its ability to identify the failure modes and the design limit states of bridge piers and to provide the progressive collapse sequenc..
₹4,552.54 ₹5,690.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Nonlinear static monotonic (pushover) analysis has become a common practice for performance-based seismic bridge design. The popularity of pushover analysis is due to its ability to identify the failure modes and the design limit states of bridge piers and to provide the progressive collapse sequenc..
₹12,117.60 ₹15,146.99
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Now with new chapters on timber buildings, masonry buildings, and base-isolated structures, the book draws on a series of practical short courses presented by specialist academics with significant consulting experience, and leading practitioners who are actively engaged in large projects...
₹8,078.40 ₹10,098.00
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Seismic design of concrete buildings needs to be performed to a strong and recognized standard. Eurocode 8, the first European Standard for seismic design, is having an impact on seismic design standards in countries within and outside Europe. This book contains a comprehensive case study of the des..
₹4,479.10 ₹5,598.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Observation and research into the performance of steel structures during recent large earthquakes, such as those in Mexico City, Loma Prieta, Northridge, and Kobe, has produced some very interesting results; not least in emphasizing differences in the seismic effects of near-source and far-source ea..
₹5,947.90 ₹7,434.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis Model: Stock
Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Volume 3 covers a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering issues, and will be of interest to researchers and designers dealing with modelling and analyses of shell structures and thin-walled structural elements...
₹11,750.40 ₹14,687.99
Showing 133 to 144 of 198 (17 Pages)
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