Paranormal Media offers a unique, timely exploration of the extraordinary, unexplained and supernatural in popular culture, looking in unusual places in order to understand this phenomenon...
Screening Protest brings together a range of scholarly perspectives to examine key issues in the representation of political participation, rebellion and insurrection with a collection of studies of the mediation of political dissent across time, space, and narrative genre...
Screening Protest brings together a range of scholarly perspectives to examine key issues in the representation of political participation, rebellion and insurrection with a collection of studies of the mediation of political dissent across time, space, and narrative genre...
Television and New Media introduces students to the ways that new media technologies have transformed contemporary television production, distribution, and reception practices. Drawing upon recent examples including Lost, 24, and Heroes, this book closely examines the ways that television programmin..
Television is changing almost beyond recognition. In the battle for consumers, social media sites, smart phones and tablets have become rivals to traditional linear TV. However, audiences and producers are also embracing mobile platforms to enhance TV viewing itself. This book examines the emerging ..
A comprehensive introduction to television studies. Fiske analyzes both the economic and cultural aspects of television and investigates it in terms of both theory and text based criticism...
A comprehensive introduction to television studies. Fiske analyzes both the economic and cultural aspects of television and investigates it in terms of both theory and text based criticism...
Examines the development of television in India since the early 1990s and its implications for Indian society more widely, discussing the rapid expansion in independent satellite channels, and in viewing figures, and the corresponding growth in new ways of imagining identities, conducting politics a..
This book examines the role of television in contemporary China, focusing on the political, economic and cultural forces shaping the transformation of Chinese primetime TV dramas, in particular the dynasty dramas which have enjoyed increasing popularity since the late 1990s...