Sokaiya are extortionists who target Japanese corporations for payoffs. This study explores the curious but not unusual relationship that grows between executives and sokaiya, who often offer their services to protect the corporation from other sokaiya, thus becoming a necessary evil...
Sokaiya are extortionists who target Japanese corporations for payoffs. This study explores the curious but not unusual relationship that grows between executives and sokaiya, who often offer their services to protect the corporation from other sokaiya, thus becoming a necessary evil...
This book’s practical emphasis on meeting the ever-changing needs of clients and auditees will benefit a wide audience by helping readers to: ¢ select a suitable, practical sampling approach ¢ appreciate the statistical implications ¢ evaluate the results of audit testing ¢ take account of risk an..
Many different sectors of modern society influence the nation's healthcare system. Government, health insurance companies, managed care organizations, academic health centers, the pharmaceutical industry, and other groups all affect healthcare. In the areas of medical access, cost, and quality, the ..
Filling the need for a how-to and systematic guide to strategic planning, this title outlines team-based planning in four steps. It covers pre-planning stages, defining the team and what their goals are, the actual planning, identifying the challenges, and setting goals. It deals with evaluation of ..
This books explores the shaping of the brewing industry in the years from 1950-1990, and shows how it has moved from being largely concerned with the technical issues of production to being a key part of the retail industries...
This books explores the shaping of the brewing industry in the years from 1950-1990, and shows how it has moved from being largely concerned with the technical issues of production to being a key part of the retail industries...
This book focuses on Business to Customer business on the internet in order to consider how firms with similar specific characteristics are able to realise competitive advantages. The book presents a new perspective on strategic management theory...
The evolution of the traditional sales function into a strategic capability mandates renewed attention to the link between strategic marketing and the emerging field of strategic sales. This book was published as a special issue of Journal of Strategic Marketing...
Strategic Sustainability examines how organizations can implement environmental sustainability science, theories, and ways of thinking to become more competitive. Including examples and ideas implemented in various countries, it is based on known scientific principles about the natural world and org..