Relational/Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
Here contributors weigh up the debates surrounding the relational perspective, taking positive and critical approaches to the essential debates...
₹11,016.00 ₹13,770.00
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
Relational Treatment of Trauma: Stories of loss and hope is the culmination of over 35 years of psychotherapy with children and adults, many of whom have suffered the effects of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. It addresses a gap in the literature on the treatment of trauma and chronic loss tha..
₹2,716.54 ₹3,395.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The body, of both the patient and the analyst, is increasingly a focus of attention in contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice, especially from a relational perspective...
₹2,569.66 ₹3,212.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
How can we talk about evil? How can we make sense of its presence all around us? How can we come to terms with the sad fact that our involvement in doing or enabling evil is an interminable aspect of our lives in the world? This book is an attempt to engage these questions in a new way...
₹11,016.00 ₹13,770.00
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
How can we talk about evil? How can we make sense of its presence all around us? How can we come to terms with the sad fact that our involvement in doing or enabling evil is an interminable aspect of our lives in the world? This book is an attempt to engage these questions in a new way...
₹2,863.42 ₹3,579.28
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The Alchemy of Wolves and Sheep offers instructive, cautionary and innovative therapeutic approaches to help transform the lives of survivors of complex trauma. Providing an explanation of how the effects of coerced perpetration trauma are built, and the damage done to the psyches and lives of most ..
₹2,643.10 ₹3,303.88
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position: The Melancholic Errand of Psychoanalysisexplores a subject matter previously applied more exclusively to patients, but rarely to psychoanalysts. Cooper probes the analyst’s experience of the depressive position in the analytic situation...
₹2,569.66 ₹3,212.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
The Clinical Erik Erikson: A Psychoanalytic Method of Engagement and Activation highlights Erikson’s transforming contributions to the field of psychoanalysis and honors his legacy by providing unpublished clinical case illustrations of his actual psychotherapeutic work...
₹2,936.86 ₹3,671.08
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
This book brings together an engaging study, using Emmanuel Ghent’s collected papers, of theoretical and personal origins of the relational turn in psychoanalysis...
₹2,496.22 ₹3,120.28
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
Elizabeth Severn, known as "R.N." in Sandor Ferenczi’s Clinical Diary, was Ferenczi’s analysand for eight years, the patient with whom he conducted his controversial experiment in mutual analysis, and a psychoanalyst in her own right who had a transformative influence on his work. The Discovery of t..
₹2,716.54 ₹3,395.68
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
In this book, distinguished contributors give a comprehensive overview of where we are with current thinking on trauma and dissociation..
₹11,016.00 ₹13,770.00
Brand: Taylor & Francis
Model: Stock
In this book, distinguished contributors give a comprehensive overview of where we are with current thinking on trauma and dissociation..
₹2,716.54 ₹3,395.68