In this groundbreaking study, Stansfield identifies the principal dynamics of Iraqi Kurdish politics and analyzes the record and potential of the 'Kurdish democratic experiment' and explores the development of the Kurdish political system since 1991...
This is an introduction to the best available scholarship within Irish politics, featuring the most influential and significant articles which have been published on Irish politics during the past twenty years...
Presented here are the views of experts and intellectuals from South-East Europe regarding the need for regional reconstruction and development in order to foster regional stability...
This book argues that some women in Kuwait are using Islam in their discourse to justify women's right to equality and public participation, thus countering arguments that see Islam, democracy, and women's rights as inherently and culturally incompatible...
Originally published in 1994, Yair Evron opens the book with an account of the development of Israel's nuclear doctrine and the internal disagreements within the Israeli political and strategic elite over how nuclear policy should be conducted. There follows an analysis of the reactions from Arab st..
Originally published in 1994, Yair Evron opens the book with an account of the development of Israel's nuclear doctrine and the internal disagreements within the Israeli political and strategic elite over how nuclear policy should be conducted. There follows an analysis of the reactions from Arab st..
An |sraeli Ambassador's account of the longest and most tense period in Israeli-Soviet diplomatic relations, from their renewal in 1953 to their severance in 1967...
This book analyses the salience of foreign and security policy issues to domestic actors, its role in the analysis of international politics and its consequences for foreign policy decision-making. It features studies on Western Europe and North America and addresses European Integration, Foreign an..