2017 Impact Factor 1.902
Ranking: 61/238 (Education & Educational Research)
© 2018 Clarivate Analytics, Journal Citation Reports ®
Discourse is an international, fully peer-reviewed journal publishing contemporary research and theorising in the cultural politics of education. The journal publishes academic articles from throughout the world which contribute to contemporary debates on the new social, cultural and political configurations that now mark education as a highly contested but important cultural site.
Discourse adopts a broadly critical orientation, but is not tied to any particular ideological, disciplinary or methodological position. It encourages interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of educational theory, policy and practice. It welcomes papers which explore speculative ideas in education, are written in innovative ways, or are presented in experimental ways.
Apart from articles and book reviews, Discourse also contains, from time to time, review essays, symposia on emerging issues, as well as interviews and policy debates.
Peer Review Policy:
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. The list of reviewers for each year is published in the final number of the journal for that year.
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