In the context of the waves of financial scandal to hit Canada, the US, the UK, and Europe over the past several years, Policing the Markets: Securities Enforcement and the Politics of Knowledgeability addresses the dilemmas underlying securities enforcement as a distinct regulatory enterprise...
Prostitution has become an extremely topical issue in recent years and attention has focused both on the situation of female prostitutes and the adequacy of existing forms of regulation. Prostitution, Politics & Policy brings together the main debates and issues associated with prostitution to exami..
This volume brings together international experts to examine the implications in practice of the modern concept of risk in particular legal fields. The papers question how the law can accommodate, manage, and reduce the extent of risk, a matter of pressing importance for the development of l..
In the modern world, policy makers, industry and its regulators are increasingly required to take decisions in the face of unknowable or indeterminate risks. This book compares various models of risk regulation; examining national, EU and international (WTO) regulatory systems for food safety and ge..
In the modern world, policy makers, industry and its regulators are increasingly required to take decisions in the face of unknowable or indeterminate risks. This book compares various models of risk regulation; examining national, EU and international (WTO) regulatory systems for food safety and ge..