Film and Television after DVD argues that DVD technology is part of a shift that heralds a new age for film and television, critically examining the implications of DVD technology for key concerns within the fields of television, film and new media studies...
Through its focus, Global Media addresses a considerable lacuna in the media studies literature, which tends to have a heavy Western bias. It is an original addition to the literature on globalization, which is often abstract and anecdotal, in addition to making a major contribution to comparative r..
Should be a leading book on the First Amendment and mass media rights. Market will include faculty and grad students in journalism, mass comm, law, telecomm, comm studies, and criminal justice...
Should be a leading book on the First Amendment and mass media rights. Market will include faculty and grad students in journalism, mass comm, law, telecomm, comm studies, and criminal justice...
Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership and the FCC is an analysis of the regulation of diversity and its impact on the structure and practices within the broadcast television industry...
In this original study, Thompson explores the complicated relationships between Americans and television during the 1950s, as seen and effected through popular humor. Parody and Taste in Postwar American Television Culture documents how Americans grew accustomed to understanding politics, current ev..
In this original study, Thompson explores the complicated relationships between Americans and television during the 1950s, as seen and effected through popular humor. Parody and Taste in Postwar American Television Culture documents how Americans grew accustomed to understanding politics, current ev..