This book gives prospective and new librarians a glimpse into the work life of business librarians. For more experienced business librarians, it offers advice on career advancement.
Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries is an essential guide to the challenges of acquiring, licensing, and managing the electronic access and use ..
Written by leading authorities on print-to-e-resource transition, the essays in this collection – from library institutions of all sizes and levels of..
How do you make the case that your library is a valuable instruction center? The Teaching Library helps librarians assess data on information literacy..
This book contains the results of the first and only multi-institution study of interlibrary loan and document delivery customer satisfaction among ac..
An overview of the research topics and trends that have appeared over the last five years, Serials Cataloging at the Turn of the Century doesn't just ..
Medical Library Downsizing explores corporate downsizing and other company-wide events as they relate to medical librarians in their organization. Thi..
Providing a substantive approach to the issue, Management of Library and Archival Security: From the Outside Looking In gives librarians and collectio..
Going Digital: Strategies for Access, Preservation, and Conversion of Collections to a Digital Format is a collection of articles orginally presented ..
Since 1990 the average age of academic librarians dramatically increased. How will this trend affect your library? What are the possible repercussions..
This classic how-to handbook has been thoroughly revised and updated with a new chapter on computer cataloging in the MARC format and cataloging of In..
This solidly researched book will help you assess your library's situation, identify new opportunities, and find powerful new ways to perform the esse..