This book concludes a trilogy that began with Intelligent Cities: Innovation, Knowledge Systems and Digital Spaces (Routledge 2002) and Intelligent Ci..
This book provides a wide-ranging critical analysis of the last two-decade’s highest profiled and debated models of urban revitali..
Using a transnational analytical framework, this book provides a comprehensive overview of formal and informal markets and place in globalised cities...
For 2nd and 3rd year courses in urban sociology, sociology of exclusion, social stratification, planning and cultural studies in departments of sociol..
Can art or architecture change the world? Is it possible to think of a new cultural avant-garde today? This book contributes to the debate by looking ..
Brings together commentaries from a wide range of contributors who draw on their specialist areas of research to inform current debate on the shaping ..
An updated and revised discussion of the fundamental conflict in the perception of nature and an expression of the essential need for an environmental..
A critical account of the relations between contemporary cities and the cultures they produce (and which in turn shape them) this book questions recei..
Cities and Climate Change is the first in-depth and interdisciplinary analysis of the role of cities in addressing climate change and illustrates the ..
This text is a key contribution to the international debate in planning theory, exploring the experience of planning in South Africa during the ten ye..
Cities and Cinema discusses the relationship between urbanity and the cinema, outlining a historical development from the early representation of urba..