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Physical Theatres
This new edition of Physical Theatres: A Critical Introduction continues to provide an unparalleled overview of non-text-based theatre, from experimental dance to traditional mime. It synthesizes the history, theory and practice of physical theatres for students and performers in what is both a core area of study and a dynamic and innovative aspect of theatrical practice. _x005F_x000D_
Extensive cross references ensure that Physical Theatres: A Critical Introduction can be used as a standalone text or together with its companion volume, Physical Theatres: A Critical Reader, to provide an invaluable introduction to the physical in theatre and performance._x005F_x000D_
New to this edition: _x005F_x000D_
a chapter on The Body and Technology, exploring the impact of digital technologies on the portrayal, perception and reading of the theatre body, spanning from onstage technology to virtual realities and motion capture._x005F_x000D_
additional profiles of Jerzy Grotowski, Robert Wilson, Robert Lepage and Mike Pearson_x005F_x000D_
focus on circus and aerial performance, gender issues, new training practices, immersive and site-specific theatres, and the latest developments in neuroscience._x005F_x000D_