Challenging orthodox readings of television news production,and ivestigating the processes of regional BBC news production, by adapting Actor Network Theory, Into the Newsroom provides a rigorous investigation of everyday rituals that are performed in the television newsroom.
Investigative Reporting provides a step-by-step approach for tackling any investigative story, teaching reporters the skills they need to overcome com..
Creating a Freelance Career covers everything anyone needs to know about becoming a freelance writer, graphic designer, copy editor, artist, musician ..
This book provides a history of the evolution of audience feedback, from the earliest letters to the editor to the often rancorous online forums. The ..
Using empirical analysis of crisis news production at the BBC, this book shows that the emergence of social media at the BBC and the need to manage th..
This volume interrogates the changing ecology of newsmaking in Africa in the context of rapid technological changes in newsrooms as well as in the wid..
This book aims to be the first comprehensive exposition of "mindful journalism"—drawn from core Buddhist ethical principles—as a fresh approach to jou..
Multimedia Storytelling for Digital Communicators in a Multiplatform World is a unique guide for all students who need to master visual communication ..
The book aims to move forward the discussion of truth in the news media by dissecting commonly used concepts such as bias, objectivity, balance, fairn..
The development of digital media has delivered innovations and prompted tectonic shifts in all aspects of journalism. The collapse of the ‘advertising..