Title: Danai - Live in LoveAuthor: Ezra Cohen-Yashar978-93-89954-01-2Danai is an inspiring love story of two backpackers' journey through India as they slowly learn what it means to "Live in love". Their travels take them on a colorful journey through the majestic land. As they visit its holy sites,..
Pratibimb:: Transcendence (E-Book)by Atul Pandita - LifeographerThe book is a collection of digital portraits interlaced with poetry, both that are creations of the author. Through these, he wishes to portray both his emotions as well as state of mind to the readers: experienced by the author t..
Pratibimb:: Transcendence (Print_on_Demand)by Atul Pandita - LifeographerThe book is a collection of digital portraits interlaced with poetry, both that are creations of the author. Through these, he wishes to portray both his emotions as well as state of mind to the readers: experienced b..