Within the modern global economy, the wine industry seems to be an anomaly: thousands of small companies provide a vast variety of highly differentiat..
This volume provides a global treatment of historical and regional geomorphic work as it developed from the end of the nineteenth century to the hiatu..
Provides an overview of demographic trends and patterns in the republics of the Soviet Union through the twentieth century providing a comprehensive a..
This book examines the geography of the transition economies that were not formerly part of the Soviet Union. The main themes of the transition from c..
Governance of Europe's City Regions is a structured overview of current debates on cities and regions. It clarifies contemporary debates about regiona..
This study systematically examines uneven regional development in China, focusing on three central agents: the foreign investor, the state and the reg..
Covering four million years of history across the continent, this book introduces the general reader and beginning student to Africa's past, emphasizi..
There is now a wide spread interest in regions as a key focus in the organization and governance of economic growth and wealth creation. This importan..
This book urges the case for reinstating regional geography as a contemporary and relevant methodology. Much interest was shown in the 1980s in revivi..
This volume aims to rethink the regional concept of "Eurasia" as a scale of analysis and as a geographical place, examining dynamic geopolitical links..