This highly acclaimed, peer-reviewed journal is an essential working tool for medical and health sciences librarians. For those professionals who provide reference and public services to health sciences personnel in clinical, educational, or research settings, Medical Reference Services Quarterly covers topics of current interest and practical value in the areas of reference in medicine and related specialties, the biomedical sciences, nursing, and allied health.
This exciting and comprehensive resource regularly publishes brief practice-oriented articles relating to medical reference services, with an emphasis on user education, database searching, and electronic information. Two columns feature the Internet and informatics education. The journal extensively examines the areas of information management education, microcomputer applications to libraries, and end-user searching. Research articles in which practical application is analyzed and clearly presented are also included.
Medical Reference Services Quarterly has explored such topics as
- Use of the Internet for providing medical information
- Utilization of biomedical databases
- Administration and management of medical reference services
- Continuing education of medical reference librarians and online search analysts
- Clinical medical librarians
- Marketing medical reference services
- Staffing for the medical reference department
- The informationist and medical reference librarians
- User education in health sciences libraries
- Legal aspects of medical reference
- Virtual (chat) reference
- Document delivery in health sciences libraries
- Patient education
- Ready reference in health sciences libraries
- Collection management of medical reference electronic and print resources
- PDAs and the medical library
- Evidence-based medical librarianship
- Use of blogs and RSS feeds by health sciences libraries
Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.