The Journal of Architecture
The Journal of Architecture is jointly published by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis. It was launched in 1995 and is the longest standing, continuously published, international, refereed publication on architecture based in the UK. Now published eight times a year, The Journal of Architecture has become widely recognised as one of the foremost journals in its field in the world.
Journal issues range from those consisting of a selection of essays on open topics to special guest-edited volumes on particular themes. Subjects covered include writings about individual architects, theoretical texts, design theory, architectural culture, sustainability, technology, everyday building, pedagogy, visual culture, artistic practices and urbanism. The journal also features an extensive book and exhibition review section in every issue.
All material submitted to The Journal of Architecture is subject to rigorous peer review using the ‘double-blind’ refereeing process. The Editorial Board, which is enhanced by regional editors in around twenty countries, strongly welcomes contributions from all over the world. It is the express aim of The Journal of Architecture to influence the future of architecture and its reception internationally by publishing innovative contributions on every aspect of architectural endeavour.