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Multicultural Queer
Examining the intersections of race, culture, gender, and sexuality, Multicultural Queer:
Australian Narratives explores the lives of non-Anglo homosexuals in Australia and the difficulties they encounter establishing themselves in gay and lesbian communities. Through academic analyses, creative genres, and personal narratives, this book describes how lesbians and gay men of ethnic minorities negotiate their sexuality amidst dual cultural forces. Revealing prejudices against both minorities, prejudices sexual and ethnic minorities have against other ethnic groups, and the ethnic divisions within gay and lesbian communities, Multicultural Queer will help you learn about and understand the challenges that gay and lesbian ethnic minorities face within a Western culture.
Australian Narratives explores the lives of non-Anglo homosexuals in Australia and the difficulties they encounter establishing themselves in gay and lesbian communities. Through academic analyses, creative genres, and personal narratives, this book describes how lesbians and gay men of ethnic minorities negotiate their sexuality amidst dual cultural forces. Revealing prejudices against both minorities, prejudices sexual and ethnic minorities have against other ethnic groups, and the ethnic divisions within gay and lesbian communities, Multicultural Queer will help you learn about and understand the challenges that gay and lesbian ethnic minorities face within a Western culture.